herbs & diet

This branch of Oriental Medicine encompasses all that we take into our body, whether as food or as medicine or both, to enhance our well-being.


Custom-tailored herbal prescriptions and food guides will be created based on your Chinese medical diagnosis, taking into consideration your constitution and tendencies as well as current patterns and conditions. We look at the energetic properties of food and offer recipes and dietary suggestions that resonate with the unique individual.

Herbal medicine and dietary therapeutics are a great compliment to acupuncture and other modalities we offer and can help extend your treatment beyond clinic visits. Herbs are often prescribed in pill form, as a liquid tincture or as a powder which combines with hot water to create a tea and taken a couple of times a day. Some Chinese herbs are already well known to many, such as cinnamon bark, ginger, honeysuckle, and forsythia. Herbs are based on whole foods tend to assimilate easily into the body and can even be taken by children.

Seaside Family Acupuncture works with pharmacies and herbal products that have met rigorous safety standards and are based on whole foods and holistic approaches. We make every effort to ensure the highest possible quality of any herbal products, checking for extensive testing and research, avoiding any contaminants, heavy metals or pesticides.