
Collaborating with you to enhance fertility and providing quality holistic preconception care



Seaside Family Acupuncture works collaboratively with you to enhance your fertility, optimizing the chances to conceive naturally and supporting other fertility treatments, including IVF and IUI.

Preconception care focuses on holistically re-balancing your entire system. This is like preparing the garden so any seeds planted can thrive and flourish. It takes about 90 days for eggs to mature. Similarly, our fertility program asks for a three-month commitment.

We provide individually tailored treatments to address fertility issues no matter the cause, including: unexplained infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, low ovarian reserves, premature ovarian failure, poor egg quality, male factor infertility, recurrent miscarriage, incompetent cervix, high FSH levels, fibroids or autoimmune factors and more.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs help boost fertility by

·       Regulating hormones and menstrual cycle

·       Increasing blood supply to reproductive organs

·       Reducing inflammation

·       Mediating immune factors

·       Calming anxiety and reducing stress hormones


The journey to parenthood can be difficult to navigate. It can be fraught with anxiety, feelings of disempowerment and frustration. Together, we look deeper into the psycho-emotional and spiritual aspects, examining the tolls it may take on you and on your relationship, and how you may cope with the stress. Our goal is to help you reconnect, feel empowered and successfully navigate though the process. In addition to acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and bodywork, we work with you to develop mindfulness and meditation practices as well as addressing lifestyle factors, modifying your diet and incorporating movement practices like qi gong and yoga.

We are partners with circle + bloom to offer guided mediations to help reduce stress and improve your fertility.