Ear Infections
Natural ways to treat and prevent kids’ ear infections
Ear Infections
Ear infections are the most common cause for a visit to the family doctor or pediatrician in the US. Two out of every three children face an ear infection by age 2. Typically, they are treated by oral antibiotics, and unfortunately the antibiotics often lead to a higher risk of repeat infection within the first six weeks. Recurrent ear infections can lead to surgery or even hearing loss. The eustachian tubes in children’s ears are shorter and more horizontal, thus they become blocked more easily than an adult and lead to an infection. They generally are caused by a virus or bacteria, but tend to most often be due to phlegm that won't clear from a virus. Chronic ear infections can occur because of an overproduction of mucus or the body is unable to completely resolve viruses or colds. Below are some tips on how to treat and prevent ear infections.
Diet is key in resolving ear infections, especially chronic recurring ones. Mucus producing foods, especially dairy can be a major culprit. We found that even temporarily taking a child off of all dairy really helped. Or you could at least pause offering cow's milk, as other milks like goats milk and hemp milk are gentler. You can take your child off of dairy for a couple of weeks and then add it back in slowly, starting with yogurt as they'll need the probiotics.
Other foods that increase mucus production and should be avoided are: peanut products, oranges, bananas and excessive sugar, fried foods. Also try to curb irregular eating like eating too much at one time, or too close to bedtime.
Foods that help reduce mucus: garlic, onions, umeboshi plums, daikon radish, parsley, lemon, watercress, mustard
Give your child probiotics to build up good gut flora, especially after any courses of antibiotics.
Bottle feeding and drinking in a lying-down position can cause ear infections. Make sure your child drinks in an upright position. This is due to the horizontal positioning of young children’s eustachian tubes.
Ear drops: make or buy a mixture of olive oil with garlic and mullein and put 1 drop in the affected ear before bed or with pain as needed up to 1x/4 hrs. Warm the oil slightly before dropping it in, and massage the ear canal after administering. I also use a homeopathic remedy called Vivi drops, an antiviral solution which we used long after the last ear infection as a preventative.
Warm compress: you can take a sock, add rice, tie a knot and microwave for 25 seconds to make a very quick and simple warm compress. Hold it to the affected ear to soothe pain and increase circulation and drainage.
Massage: massage in front of the ear canal and then stroking downwards from behind ear lobe along neck towards collarbone to help with drainage of excess fluids.
Chinese herbs: there are a few herbal remedies to take, I’ve found Children’s Ear Formula Syrup to be the most effective. It is in liquid form and can be syringed into your child’s mouth. We’re here to help determine which herbal tincture will be most appropriate and recommend the correct dosing.
Acupuncture can help reduce inflammation and mucus, relieve pain and circulate the lymph to increase drainage, as well as boosting the immune system to recover from and prevent further ear infections. Pediatric Acupuncture doesn’t always require needles but includes non-insertive acupuncture techniques called shonishin and some special pediatric massage to stimulate acupressure points.
Moxa: We also use moxa to stimulate drainage and soothe pain. Moxa is an herb, mugwort or artemisia vulgaris that is burned like an incense stick near the ear (not directly on the child), that promotes more circulation in the area.